It is critical to identify what utilities are present and where they are located. LandTech can provide accurate 2D and 3D maps of your utilities using information obtained from a wide variety of resources. Below are a few use case examples showcasing the use of this new workflow:

Use Case Example 1: When responding to an emergency leak or preparing for a construction project, field technicians can navigate directly to the underground feature and view the underground facilities without the need to break ground. Knowing the “where” and the “what” about your assets will minimize excavation accidents. This improved workflow will limit the time spent searching for and repairing breaks in the field.

Use Case Example 2: If there is a gas leak and a valve needs to be shut off for a specific line for repair, an analysis tool can be run to determine which customers might be affected enabling field and office technicians to act appropriately based on the information stored in your GIS database. If there is a contaminant in your water system, an analysis tool can be utilized to trace it back to the source.

Use Case Example 3: Prior to excavating for a water line, field technicians can view the work area from the office, as well as in the field in a 2D, 3D, or virtual reality map to visualize above and below ground hazards minimizing potential impacts to underground facilities during the construction process.

Benefits of Utility Mapping:

– Ability to perform various types of geospatial analysis

– Identify where your assets are located

– Ability to utilize tools such as clash detection

– Reduction of field accidents and mishaps

– Centralized data stored in one location